Useful advice and articles to help you manage your mental health during COVID-19
6th April 2020
Coronavirus and your wellbeing – Mind
Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health – BBC
Pause, reflect and stay at home: how to look after yourself and others in self-isolation – The Guardian
Managing your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak – Rethink Mental Illness
Briefing on children’s mental health during COVID-19 – Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition
Maintaining wellbeing while staying home – NHSE/I and PHE Every Mind Matters site
Housing and benefits advice – Shelter
Resilience at home guide [PDF] – Centre for Behaviour Change (UCL), Hertfordshire County Council and Norfolk County Council
For many otherwise healthy people, the disruption caused by COVID-19 on daily life has impacted the quality of their sleep – with insomnia and other sleep disturbances keeping many awake at night.
So this in-depth resource has been published called “The Complete Guide to Insomnia – and How You Can Manage It” –
The guide shares comprehensive information such as:
- An in-depth look at insomnia: what causes it, the different kinds of insomnia, and its effects on health and wellbeing.
- Advice for managing insomnia effectively with stress management and relaxation techniques, proper diet and exercise, good sleeping environment, CBT, and mindfulness meditation.
- How certain medications and treatments can affect sleep, the importance of routine for good sleep hygiene, and why you should keep a sleep journal.
- Links to other useful resources and websites to better understand and develop good sleeping habits.
Thank you kindly