Young People Advocacy

Providing in-patient & community mental health advocacy for the young people of Jersey
Are you;
- Being seen by CAMHS?
- On Robin Ward for mental health issues?
- In Orchard House for assessment or treatment?
- Is your freedom being restricted under the Mental Health law?
Do you feel that;
- No-one is listening to you?
- You need someone to see your side of things?
- You don’t always understand what is being said to you or what your options are?
- It’s difficult to express yourself and get the support you need?
- You need help in accessing and understanding information?
- Are you worried, frightened or upset?
Our advocate is;
- Confidential & Independent
- Listens and supports you in making informed decisions
- Helps you understand your rights
- Ensures your views and wishes are heard
- Stands by your side to help your voice to be heard

We can help you to;
- Understand what is happening
- Get adults to listen to you
- Understand your rights
- Access information
- Work out what your options & choices are
- Feel empowered & involved
- Feel supported by someone who is independent of services
- Make a complaint
- Feel supported at meetings
The service is free, independent and confidential. Our role is to help you, not to make decisions for you.
Here is a link to a site with young people’s mental health information –